Tuesday 14 November 2023

Artist Research

One of my inspiration in my ethnic jewellery project was "Princess Mononoke" from Studio Ghibli. The reason I chose this adaptation is because of the many references to spiritual beliefs and connections between people and nature. 

For example, it is there a Forest Spirit who is known as a god of life and death. This is shown by a scene in which walking causes flowers to come to life, only to then wither and die. This shows that this spirit keeps the balance in nature. (Little White Lies, 2017). These types of beliefs refer to a noticeable extent to the beliefs of native Americans. The very idea of having gods dealing with different aspects of life is deeply interconnected. The animation's color scheme has a dark vibe and a lot of contrast.

The common fact is that native Americans had their gods not in human form (Rhodes, 1991), but mainly in animal form. In the Studio Ghibli animation I chose, the example god of the forest is also an animal, in a sense, because it is a mix of several animals combined together: the horns and torso are a deer, the face is a monkey and the legs are chickens.

I feel a strong connection with nature in this animation, so it is a very inspiring item for my ethnic jewelry project. 

Another aspect that inspires me is the fact that the title character wears a mask with animal fur as part of her outfit. Her face is decorated with ethnic paintings and she has jewelry around her neck, which is also probably of animal origin. One of the necklaces resembles a crystal/natural stone that comes from mother nature. All this has a strong connection with my vision of ethnic jewelry. Combining the element of a mask and ethnic patterns on faces is one of several aspects that I consider in my designs. The use of crystals/natural stones is an integral element in my projects.


Footprints of a god – in praise of princess mononoke (2022) Little White Lies. Available at: https://lwlies.com/articles/princess-mononoke-studio-ghibli-hayao-miyazaki/ (Accessed: 14 November 2023).

Rhodes, John (January 1991) "An American Tradition: The Religious Persecution Of Native Americans." p.15. Montana Law Review Volume 52, Issue 1, Winter 1991

1 comment:

  1. It would have been useful here to add examples of the jewellry you were relating this to and also you really should have had more than two references.


Reflection: Art Portfolio 2

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