Tuesday 7 November 2023

Creating a website: About me Page


My name is Aleksandra and I am a student of DMUIC located in Leicester. My goal is to study a Crafts Design in the next academic year.  I really enjoy making some crafts in my spare time. I enjoy doing things with my own hands, adding different things, mixing different styles, textures together. Just enjoin the process. 


The ethnic aspect is mainly presents in my creations. The inspirations to my works are the cultures and believes of native Americans.I would like to connect everything like: religious aspects, colors and the textiles they use in my ethnic jewelry projects.  

I decide to add my photo, because I read once that it gives a positive impression to the person who views our website/products. People like to associate a specific person with their work. From my own experience, I believe that it is actually a good  move. 

Next I changed the photo shape from original squire shape to round one using a tools available on the website. In the future I would like to change the photo to a more professional one. However, I really wanted to use what I have as best I can. I also added a sharper dividers at the bottom. 

This is what it looks like in the end 


  1. Watch out for spelling and punctuation errors, these need to be corrected, use a spell check with Grammarly. Please read below

    My name is Aleksandra and I am a student of DMUIC located in Leicester. My goal is to study Crafts Design in the next academic year. I enjoy making some crafts in my spare time. I enjoy doing things with my own hands, adding different things, mixing different styles, and textures together. Just enjoy the process.

    The ethnic aspect is mainly present in my creations. The inspirations for my works are the cultures and beliefs of native Americans. I would like to connect everything like religious aspects, colours, and the textiles they use in my ethnic jewelry projects.

    I decided to add my photo because I read once that it gives a positive impression to the person who views our website/products. People like to associate a specific person with their work. From my own experience, I believe that it is a good move

  2. I think here you need to be careful as you will be using this website for all your projects through the year and they will not all be ethnic jewellery this is just one project and I am hoping you will show a much wider range of work as we move forward. Please adjust this to reflect that you are going onto Design Crafts and that you will be showcasing your work (not just this project) thanks Zoe


Reflection: Art Portfolio 2

     In Art Portfolio 2, I learned techniques for developing ideas. The classes showed me how to evolve,  my ideas, and change and improve ...