Sunday 25 February 2024

Artist Research: Gareth Mason


In G. Manson's works, you can see, above all, rich texture. It includes many processes in its creation, which give a multi-layered and unique effect. He is one of the most original British ceramicists, whose work attracts constant attention. His exhibitions are highly appreciated. The artist inspires his works with the earth, as he says himself, it is his artistic medium (, no data). 

I chose this artist as the inspiration for my project because of the primitive look of his works. Through many forms and cardboard that overlap, as well as non-obvious shapes and recesses, he achieves a very primitive appearance in his works. I was captured by this non-obviousness and the expression that distinguishes Manson's work.


In his works, the colours and the expressive way of applying them make his works bring to mind primitivism and uniqueness. He uses many materials at the same time for his works, among others stoneware, porcelain, slips, glazes, slate inclusion, feldspar, fluxes, and stains (, no data).

Reference Lists: (n.d.). Gareth Mason - Contemporary - Jason Jacques Gallery. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Feb. 2024].

Mason, G. (2020). Gareth Mason: A Decade in Cahoots. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Feb. 2024].

1 comment:

  1. Could you find anything out about his intentions and ideas? Are there any artist's statements? There might be some more information about his thoughts on the websites for the galleries that hold his exhibitions


Reflection: Art Portfolio 2

     In Art Portfolio 2, I learned techniques for developing ideas. The classes showed me how to evolve,  my ideas, and change and improve ...