During the lessons from AP1, I was supposed to do a few colour experiments. I decided to use a few different materials for it. I use a watercolour, soft pastels and crayons. Firstly, the version with crayons didn't look good, and I considered that part a failure. The soft pastel looks nice, I smeared them and used a soft white pastel to make the colour more delicate. The last one I used was watercolours. First I used blue/green, and after it dried I applied pink. As quick experimental sketches go, I think most of them turned out satisfactory. The combination of blue and blue transitions makes a pleasant eye impression.
Since I considered the version drawn with crayons as a failure, I decided to play with it a bit and add watercolours as another layer. Surprisingly, it turned out really well in the end.
Crayons + Watercolours
Soft Pastels
You are making the most of the facilities available to you, building skills in many disciplines, how are you thinking of incorporating these into your project?