Here is my first project for the portfolio from an ethnic jewelry store called - Roots Of The Jewelery -
This is a sketch made using the ink pen drawing method. First, I scanned my sketch without filling it in, just in case something went wrong with the paints. When drawing by hand, I do not have a convenient undo option, so I had to protect my work.
I wanted the necklace pendant to resemble something between a totem pole and Native American clothing style. There are feathers/leaves around the face, which are supposed to symbolize the Indian plume.
The face on the pendant has delicate facial decorations, which are also taken from the native American face painting culture (Holmes, October 2022) .
My goal was to give this jewelry the most ethnic look as possible, without exaggerating the form over the content.
The demographic segment focused by art of jewelry in planderful (no date a) Planderful Shop. Available at: (Accessed: 20 November 2023).
Holmes, J. (2022) Native american face paint: War face paint, Available at:,holy%20person%20or%20medicine%20man. (Accessed: 20 November 2023).
Good work here on adding some process and your designs - these are developing well