Monday 16 October 2023

The Good Design Research

What makes good design

Dieter Rams, an industrial engineer from the 1970s, believed that good design is characterised by: 


Our design must be created for the user. Putting his needs and visions first. At the same time, making the project legible and accessible.


A good design should be surprising, striking and give a breath of freshness. Going beyond the norm may be risky, there are regulations everywhere, but thanks to this you will get results that are worth bending them if necessary.


This may seem a matter of taste, but good design should be easy to understand and pleasant for the masses. Thanks to the appropriate selection of colours and fonts, you can make the design pleasant for the target group. A good design should encourage and attract the attention of recipients. ( 15 Jul,2021)

What is Typography 
Typography for the style, appearance of the text. Each font has its own purpose, for example we will not give the text "be careful, dangerous" in a comic book font. Typography is the beautification of text, using separation between letters, spacing between lines, colours, layout styles and other elements. (

A Designer

Alan Fletcher was a British graphic designer. The designs he made are very clear and eloquent in their simplicity. I like the way he p layed with font and color in a way that can interest the observer without overwhelming him. Many of his works are still in current use, which shows the timelessness of his works.
 ‘Design is not a thing you do. It’s a way of life’ Alan Fletcher

Design and Layout

Layout design is the arrangement of visual and text elements in design in a way that is transparent, legible and encouraging to the viewer. At the same time, providing information in an attractive way.

There are 5 elements that any designer should use :
  • Text
  • Image These can be photographs, illustrations as part of the design. The right choice of size or topic can attract recipients' attention or convey content without words. 
  • Line The use of lines in design can help bring to the fore the element that we want to highlight in our work and direct the viewer's eye. Lines can also be used to mark boundaries between elements
  • Shape
  • White Space Empty space in the design can help make a given element stand out or make it more readable to the recipient. This may turn out to be as important in the project as the visual elements themselves. (David Carson, 7 June 2021)

Using text and image in advertising

If we add too much text to our project, there is a chance that many people will not read it to the end. It is important to convey the content using as little text as possible. (Eric Jones, 9 January 2023)
A good example is the poster announcing the last part of Harry Potter, in which the name of the film was not used and everyone knew what the poster was about.

What is a tagline?

This is a short description of the brand. Most often in the form of a one-sentence slogan used to describe your brand, such as Nike -“Just Do It”. A good tagline can arouse interest and help understand the brand's ideology (Andy Fuller, )

What is a Logo?

A logo is a visual description of the company. It may contain colors or characteristic inscriptions that are associated with the company's products. A well-matched logo will allow the recipient to connect the logo with a given company and its products. A logo made in an interesting way may encourage the recipient to check out the brand, even if they have not heard of it before. This may be an element of good marketing for the company. (

The message in advertising

An advertising message is a way for a brand to communicate with its recipients. Good communication of the benefits of interacting with the brand - whether by purchasing its product, registering or making a reservation. Good execution of such a message can bring many benefits, such as a large response from recipients, understanding your target group, increasing sales or developing the brand. ( 21 March 2023)

Methods of getting your attention in advertising

There is few of methods that can be use to get attention, such as: 

  1. Rule of thirds and the golden ratio
  2. Color psychology
  3. Testimonials
  4. Placement and typography
  5. Visual path
  6. Association
  7. Emotion
  8. Demographic positioning
  9. Symbolism
  10. Personification
  11. Realism
(Daniella Alscher, 11 March 2022)

Reaching a Target Audience in advertising

Target audience is a specific group of people for whom we design. we will design differently for children and for adults, for example we will choose a different font and colour.  The following quote describes it exactly as it is. You cannot understand good design if you do not understand people; design is made for people” Dieter Rams during a speech in 1976

( Mark Healy 2016)

If we cannot verify our target group, we can do it in a few sample steps:

  • Interview your customer
  • Audit your social following
  • Review your marketing performance metrics
  • Take notes on your competition
  • Define who your target isn’t
(Céillie Clark-Keane, 8 September 2022)


1 comment:

  1. This seems to be just copied and pasted from the internet - you need research that is related to your work with your own commentary


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